def | __init__ (self, act_vol=38000, swd=3.5, ww_temp=20, DO=2, *args, **kw) |
| Init w/ active volume, water depth, water temperature, & dissolved O2. More...
def | is_converged (self, limit=0.01) |
| Return the convergence status of the unit. More...
def | discharge (self, method_name="BDF") |
| Pass the total flow and blended components to the downstreams. More...
def | assign_initial_guess (self, initial_guess) |
| Assign the intial guess to the unit before simulation. More...
def | set_active_vol (self, vol=380) |
| Set the active process volume. More...
def | get_active_vol (self) |
| Return the active process volume. More...
def | set_model_condition (self, ww_temp, DO) |
| Set the wastewater temperature and dissolved O2 for the model. More...
def | get_model_params (self) |
| Return the kinetic parameters of the applied model. More...
def | get_model_stoichs (self) |
| Return the stoichiometrics of the applied model. More...
def | __init__ (self) |
| A few special steps are taken when initializing a "pipe": More...
def | set_downstream_side (self, receiver) |
| Define the downstream side outlet's connection. More...
def | set_sidestream_flow (self, flow) |
| Define the flow rate for the sidestream. More...
def | set_flow_data_src (self, branch='Main', flow_ds=flow_data_src.TBD) |
| Set the flow data source of the branch specified by the user. More...
def | get_flow_data_src (self) |
| Return the flow data source tags of all three branches.
def | get_type (self) |
| Return the type string of the process unit. More...
def | has_sidestream (self) |
| Return whether the unit has a sidestream. More...
def | add_upstream (self, discharger, upst_branch='Main') |
| Add the discharger's branch to inlet. More...
def | has_discharger (self) |
| Return whether the unit's inlet has been connected. More...
def | get_upstream (self) |
| Return the _inlet {} of the unit. More...
def | totalize_inflow (self) |
| Combine the individual flows specified in the self._inlet into one. More...
def | blend_inlet_comps (self) |
| Calculate the flow weighted average model component concentrations. More...
def | update_combined_input (self) |
| Update both total inflow and blended concentrations (model components).
def | remove_upstream (self, discharger) |
| Remove an existing discharger from inlet. More...
def | set_downstream_main (self, rcvr) |
| Define the main outlet by specifying the receiving process unit.
def | main_outlet_connected (self) |
| Return whether the mainstream outlet is connected. More...
def | get_downstream_main (self) |
| Return the process unit connected at the mainstream outlet. More...
def | set_mainstream_flow_by_upstream (self, f=True) |
| Set whether the mainstream flow = (total inflow - side outflow).
def | set_mainstream_flow (self, flow=0) |
| Define the mainstream outlet flow. More...
def | get_main_outflow (self) |
| Return the mainstream outflow. More...
def | get_main_outlet_concs (self) |
| Return a copy of the mainstream outlet concentrations. More...
def | side_outlet_connected (self) |
| Return True if the main outlet is connected, False if not. More...
def | get_downstream_side (self) |
| Return the process unit connected to the side outlet. More...
def | sidestream_flow_defined (self) |
| Return whether the sidestream flow rate has been defined. More...
def | get_side_outflow (self) |
| Return the sidestream outlet flow rate. More...
def | get_side_outlet_concs (self) |
| Return a copy of the sidestream outlet concentrations. More...
def | set_flow (self, dschgr, flow) |
| Specify the flow from the discharger. More...
def | discharge (self) |
| Pass the total flow and blended components to the downstreams. More...
def | get_TSS (self, br='Main') |
| Return the Total Suspended Solids of the specified branch.
def | get_VSS (self, br='Main') |
| Return the Volatile Suspended Solids of the specified branch.
def | get_COD (self, br='Main') |
| Return the Chemical Oxygen Demand (total) of the specified branch.
def | get_sCOD (self, br='Main') |
| Return the soluble COD of the specified branch.
def | get_pCOD (self, br='Main') |
| Return the particultate COD of the specified branch.
def | get_TN (self, br='Main') |
| Return the total nitrogen of the specified branch. More...
def | get_orgN (self, br='Main') |
| Return the organic nitrogen of the specified branch.
def | get_inorgN (self, br='Main') |
| Return the inorganic nitrogen of the specified branch.
def | get_pN (self, br='Main') |
| Return the particulate nitrogen of the specified branch.
def | get_sN (self, br='Main') |
| Return the soluble nitrogen of the specified branch.
def | set_as_SRT_controller (self, setting=False) |
| Set the current splitter as an Solids Retention Time controller. More...
def | is_SRT_controller (self) |
| Return whether a splitter is an SRT controller.
Bioreactor using ASM kinetics, derived as a "pipe" w/ active volume.
Current design only uses ASM 1 model. Will need to add flexibility for using ASM 2d, ASM 3, and user revised versions of them.
The "asm_reactor" contain sludge mixed liquor of a certain kinetics described by the chosen model.
The integration of the model is also done by the "asm_reactor".